Wednesday, April 10, 2013

ED 200 Roots and Wings

Education is like a bomb. Having knowledge is powerful. My name is Cade Hollingsworth and I am a student here and Brigham Young University-Idaho. I am a History/Spanish ED Major. For my ED 200 class we have created a Metaphore for how we teach.

The Metaphor a BOMB
The Metaphore consists of:

Doctrine- Why we learn
Principals- What we learn
Tools- How we learn

We have the capacity for great things. With knowledge we are able to destroy or protect.  Sir Frances Bacon is usually attributed with the phrase that knowledge is power. I agree that with knowledge we are able to do great things, good or bad.

A classic bomb has a wick- Now wicks come in many shapes and sizes we need to light this wick for it to burn and make the gunpowder explode. This is the HOW.

Some students when lit are quick to respond and there fuse burns faster than others.

Others learn slower and to burn to the gunpowder of learning takes longer and is a big accomplishment when finally explodes.

Tools are action that need to take place for the gun power to explode and also the reason for having gun powder.

Now we know that bombs come in all shapes and sizes, and of course the shell or container that holds everything. The reason you see a grenade in stead of a bomb is that a grenade is a bomb. Just in a different hand held size. Like I said Principals are WHAT of the three.


Gunpowder is the underlining truth of why we learn what we learn. These true things are true and always true. They are the most dangers part of learning because they give you power and because one you know a truth you also know the responsibility.

this is my own personal DOCTRINE/PRINCIPALS/TOOLS

Essential Questions
1. Who am I and what motivates me?
My name is Cade Hollingsworth. I am a college student. I am very relaxed and sometimes not professional. I don’t always feel like education should be super formal. I am someone who is led by his emotions. I am a people person and enjoy helping other. When it comes to education and being a teacher I am motivated by the students that I am able to teach. I was able to help teach an afterschool program and I really got to know my students I was in charge of and they changed how I view teaching. Lessons might not go as planned but it doesn’t matter as long as the kids learn and are engaged.

2. How do I view those I teach?
I think so much more of those that I teach. I feel like they are just as smart as me and sometimes smarter. In the after school program help me see students as people. We would give them snacks at the beginning and just by how the kids ate their food was a hint at who they are and how they learn. I remember one girl ate her snacks from stuff she hated first to stuff she like last. Another girl would eat her snacks by color. Many boys would make stuff out of their snacks and play with it. And the more I got to know the students and the trust that was established we were able to connect on many levels. I feel that those that I teach are very important and I was not able to see this until I was given the opportunity to help those students learn.

3. What is my work as learner and teacher?
My work as a learner is to never stop learning. We must always be obtaining knowledge and wisdom. Just like it says in Doctrine and Covenants 109:7 “And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom;
yea, seek ye out of the best abooks words of wisdom, seek learning even by study and also by faith”. I must keep learning so that I can be a good teacher and keep teaching true things to my students. I know that there are many ways to teach but I need to teach morals as a history teacher and even as a Spanish teacher. Kids need to know both sides of the issues and also know what is right.

4. What is worth teaching?
Things that are worth teaching are things that help us become the people that we need to become. Now it would be knowledge to know how to play video games and how to pick locks but I don’t feel that those things will help us become the Kings and Queens that our heavenly father want us to become.

5. How do I learn? -->
This will be the fourth time I have answered this question. I still agree that I learn by visual things but more that, I learn by doing. I learn by planning a lesson, preparing and then trying out what I have planned. I feel that I learn from reading books about history, watching videos of examples of those things and then trying myself to teach those things are just talk about them so that I transfer those things to short term memory to long term.

6. Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools build
I feel that school have always been founded to educate the country and try and better ourselves. To become educated as a nation has always been our goal. Our founding fathers were god fearing men with morals and this nation was founded “one nation under God”. But I think schools have evolved and our society has decayed and now we are no longer god fearing people and religion has taken a back seat to our society. We have taken the approach to sit down and be quite and to regurgitate what the teacher tell you and no think for youself.

7. What is the role of school in society
Like I was saying in the last question the role of school in our society is to educate the nation. With education we are less likely to be rules by a tyrant. We are more like to understand the issues and help the nation as a whole. To help our neighbor. I feel that education should still have a focus on God. It doesn’t matter which God you believe in but any religion that tells us to be kind, full of charity, and to love our neighbors should be taught in school to help us all become the people that we should be. Education is more than just facts and dates. It’s the process of how we think. We should learn morals.

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